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Tupac Shakur: 2011 Year of the GOAT

06 Apr Posted by in News | Comments

With little to no news regarding Tupac Shakur for these past few years, we’re starting to get a rejuvenation towards visitors and fans who are asking us when we’re going to take the plunge into the social networking sites and how we felt about the current status of his legacy and if we felt it was in decline. In reply:

“April 20th, 2011 is’s 13th year online; that is a pure testament to our motivation and support for the late Tupac Shakur’s legend. We’re working on something in grand old fashion so don’t worry, we have ya covered. In terms of a declining legacy, I would have to disagree. I think people expect 1996-2000 levels of fan dedications and that simply isn’t the case anymore, nor will it be like that again. That said, many famous people in a plethora of various industries who pass away end up with little to no legacy at all. It may be easier to keep a legacy on a screen actor over a recording artist simply because motion pictures immortalize themselves (think Gone with the Wind
, Wizard of OZ) and it takes much more effort for recording artists unless they create what the public would term “classics”. Nevertheless as fans ourselves, I believe (in my own opinion) the Estate of Shakur has done a great job of doing their best with their resources to immortalize the late Tupac Shakur and in my opinion will continue to support this same business model and spiritual commitment. That said, I never liked Wizard of Oz.”

We were going to wait till September, however we have tons of the official Tupac movie DVDs, biographies, documentaries, Makaveli-Branded clothing etc. We still wanted to give those away with contests so between now and September we’ll put something together for everyone who wants to get involved.


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